Page 1: Everywhere and Nowhere Survey

Everywhere and Nowhere explores little known and previously untold histories of disability from across National Trust sites and collections.

It aims to address long standing omissions and tell stories linked to disability in respectful and ethical ways.

This online survey should take about 5 minutes to complete. Participation is voluntary, and responses will be kept anonymous

  • We are interested in everything that you have to say, even if you think it is not important as this will all feed into part of the research.
  • We need your permission to document this survey, enabling us to use your actual words to formulate/illustrate our findings. 
  • Your actual anonymised words might be used in subsequent academic/professional publications, presentations/lectures/website/films.
  • Any details you give us will be kept private to external organisations and securely stored at the Research Centre for Museums and Galleries, University of Leicester and destroyed after 5 years. In this way we are following the GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation) 2016 and the Data Protection Art (2018) which ensures that your details will be kept safe and protected.
  • It is within your rights to withdraw your permission and withdraw from the research at any time. You can do so by noting down the reference number at the end of the survey, or using the 'email responses' feature at the end of the survey and emailing Sarah Plumb at sp627 [at] requesting to withdraw from the survey.

Please feel free to contact Sarah Plumb at sp627 [at] if you have any more questions about the project.

If you have any further questions about the way in which we carry out our research, please contact Alice Tilche, who is the Ethics Officer for the School of Museum Studies. Her email address is alice.tilche [at]

This application has been granted ethical clearance by the College of Social Science, Arts and Humanities, Research Ethics Committee. Should you wish to clarify or query any aspect of the conduct of the study, then please feel free to contact them direct on ethics [at]

1.1. I am over 16 years old. Required
2.2. I have read the above information and agree to participate in this research project. Required